
Maintenance Service

Gas Ducted Heater

We provide maintenance for both gas ducted heaters and evaporative coolers.

To ensure that your gas heater is operating at its full capacity, Accel Air recommends that a service is conducted every one or two years. With the system continually circulating air,  the fans tend to suffer from a buildup of dust over time.

All of our experienced technicians are accredited in their field of expertise. As part of the service, they perform the following checks for you:

Clean flame sensor
Check Igniter and Adjust Spark Gaps
Check capacitors are operating within specified range
Test the Gas Burning Pressure is set correctly.
Check the wear and tear on any Electrical Connection.
Carry out a full function test to manufacturers specifications
Check the operation of safety switches, including thermocouples and thermostats

Evaporative Cooler

Accel Air also provides evaporative cooler maintenance — essential to keep your system operating at peak efficiency, and to reduce the risk of breakdown during those punishingly hot summer months. We suggest booking a service in the spring.

Our technicians will thoroughly clean the inside and outside of the unit. They also carry out the following checks:

Annual maintenance service and cleaning
Clean algae, debris and sediment build-up
Clean and check condition of the filter pads
Clean and adjust the drain system
Clean and flush the water distribution system
Check Motor current
Check capacitor rating
Check solenoid and float valves
Check all electrical and water connections
Sanitise system (optional)
Carry out full function test to manufacturers specifications

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